EP006 泼天的洋抖难民流量怎么就给了小红书?How did the TikTok refugees end up on Xiaohongshu?

【聊了什么 The What】

新新人类紧急召集!🎶各种颜色的皮肤,各种颜色的头发,嘴里念的说的开始流行中国话🎵 谁能料到,由于TikTok可能会被美国封禁,上百万的“洋抖难民”突然涌入小红书,一周之内完全改变了小红书的内容和用户生态。有的中国用户积极帮忙翻译,有的中国创作者利用这个机会吸了一波粉,但也有不少人在吐槽外国人的受欢迎程度或者小红书一夜变味的观感。


Who could have guessed? With the looming possibility of TikTok getting banned in the U.S., millions of “TikTok refugees” have suddenly flooded Xiaohongshu, completely transforming its content ecosystem in just a week. Some Chinese users are helping with translations, while local creators are seizing the opportunity to rake in new followers. Yet, plenty of others are grumbling about how popular the newcomers are—or lamenting how Xiaohongshu feels so “off” overnight.

Many of our listeners have asked us to unpack this phenomenon, so we rushed to record episode 06. We’re diving into why Xiaohongshu became the go-to platform for TikTok refugees, how such unpredictable events make us nostalgic for the Internet 1.0 era, and just how long Xiaohongshu can sustain its virality. We’ve invited Shao, host of the Dat Beauvoir podcast and a part-time creator on Xiaohongshu herself, to join us and share her firsthand experience of this epic TikTok exile to Xiaohongshu.

【时间轴 The When】

15:18 小红书官方对这个意外事件的反应

20:02 TT难民为什么选择来到小红书而不是Instagram、Lemon8、抖音

37:08 如何理解小红书原生用户对外国人的不满情绪

44:46 外国“老嫂子”在小红书迅速找准定位

50:20 难得的互联网“真人味儿” wholesome 时刻

54:13 接下来故事怎么收尾?难民会留在小红书吗?

15:18 Xiaohongshu’s official reaction to the unexpected development

20:02 Why did these “TikTok refugees” choose Xiaohongshu instead of Instagram, Lemon8, or Douyin?

37:08 Unpacking the grievances from Chinese users of Xiaohongshu

44:46 How a foreigner immediately found his niche on the platform

50:20 The rare, wholesome, genuine internet moment that is now

54:13 How will the story end? Will the refugees stay?

【我们是谁 Who We Are】






【拓展链接 The Links】

小红书用户:大牙 中国红脖(BigTooth),@Daya_Redneck


美国记者Ryan Broderick对TT难民为什么选中小红书的考证:https://www.garbageday.email/p/america-s-youth-longs-for-chinese-e-commerce



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