EP007 无人驾驶出租车是人类司机道德水平的照妖镜 Human Drivers, Stop Being Mean to Robotaxis

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Mayday 五月天 回到那一天 25週年巡迴演唱會

【聊了什么 The What】


这一期主播安蕤请假,代班的嘉宾是曾在某自动驾驶企业工作过的托尼。托尼给我们分享了他的行业内部视角和丰富的无人驾驶出租车乘坐经验,最关键的是,他提出来一个至关重要的问题: 为什么人类司机可以毫无心理负担地别车“苕萝卜”,是人性的扭曲还是道德的沦丧?

Some people love driving; others find it a nightmare. But in the age of AI, that whole debate might soon be irrelevant. In this episode of Pixel Perfect, we dive into the world of autonomous driving. From Waymo’s cars honking at each other in a San Francisco parking lot at midnight to Cruise’s meteoric rise and equally dramatic crash, the journey of autonomous driving tech has been nothing short of a rollercoaster.

Our usual host, Anrui, is on leave this episode, so stepping in is guest host Tony, who has firsthand experience working at a self-driving company. Not only does he bring an insider’s perspective and a wealth of robotaxi ride stories, but he also asks the million-dollar question: Why do human drivers feel zero guilt when aggressively cutting off robotaxis on the road?

【时间轴 The When】

  • 06:38 在美国坐无人车是为了体验新奇感而付费

  • 20:15 自动驾驶开车太有素质了,人类司机比不了

  • 30:03 硅谷明星 Cruise: 飞得有多高摔得就有多惨

  • 43:54 无人车应该配备远程操控安全员吗?中美两国有不同的态度

  • 49:02 特斯拉FSD体验越来越顺滑了,但司机还是不能分心

  • 59:36 人工智能技术的标志性应用是无人驾驶还是 ChatGPT

  • 06:38 Paying a premium for experiencing the future

  • 20:15 Robotaxies are too polite—human drivers are mean

  • 30:03 The rise and fall of Silicon Valley darling Cruise

  • 43:54 Should self-driving cars have remote safety operators? The US and China disagree.

  • 49:02 Tesla’s FSD is getting smoother; That’s no excuse for drivers to get distracted.

  • 59:36 Self-driving cars vs. ChatGPT, who’s the real future of AI?

【我们是谁 Who We Are】 新新人类是一档由几个与互联网一起长大的新生代科技记者主持的播客,致力于站在中美交汇点上,解读全球科技潮流与人文的交织。

  • 马修:一个网瘾晚期的全职养猫人
  • 一闻:一个对地铁比手机更上瘾的记者
  • 托尼:一个管着8个AI牛马的赛博包工头

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