EP003 我们躲在被子里偷看的网文,登上大雅之堂了吗?Have webnovels become high culture?

【聊了什么The What】


让我们没想到的是,当年专属于年轻人的 guilty pleasure 竟然一步步发展成了价值千亿的文化产业,原本的 txt 文件和文字中的人物变成了现在全球大火的电视剧和一线明星,我们的消费方式也从白嫖变成付费,单章购买变成付费订阅,结果又被互联网大厂带回免费阅读时代。到了今天,没有几个人能逃过网文的文化影响,网文不再是只配在被窝里看的小众爱好了,那它算不算完成了对严肃文学的复仇?

In this episode, Matthew and Yiwen finally got the chance to exchange their stories of webnovel obsession. We gave Anrui, a fan of serious literature, a crash course on the past and future of webnovels—genres, top authors, online platforms—only for Anrui to realize that she has, indeed, read webnovels too.

The development trajectory of webnovels has exceeded our wildest imagination. It grew from a guilty pleasure exclusive to young people to a cultural industry worth billions of dollars. What was once .txt files and the characters within them have now transformed into globally popular TV shows and A-list celebrities. Our consumption habits have also evolved from reading for free to paying, from single-chapter purchases to subscription models; now, big techs have brought us back to the era of free reading. Today, few can escape the cultural influence of webnovels. It’s no longer just a niche hobby—so has it, in a sense, taken its revenge on serious literature?

【时间轴 The When】

01:45 聊聊当年在被窝里看小说的日子

07:20 网文入门指南,男频、女频、耽美、凡人流这些都是什么

17:12 爽感与羞耻感:为什么我们觉得网文上不了台面?

21:54 网文率先开发出健康的内容付费生态

36:06 万物皆可网文:Lofter、最小说、甚至知乎?!

48:35 男读者和女读者眼里不同的耽美文

01:01:55 火遍全球的《陈情令》

1:13:24 灵魂之问:网文登上大雅之堂了吗?

01:45 Who hasn’t read webnovels past bedtime as a teenager

07:20 Webnovel 101: WTH are “nanpin,” “nüpin,” “danmei,” and “fanreliu”?

17:12 The pleasure and shame of a webnovel reader

21:54 How webnovel built a sustainable monetization business model

36:06 Reading webnovels on the most unlikely platforms: Lofter, Top Novel, and Zhihu?!

48:35 Danmei literature in the eyes of men and women

01:01:55 The unstoppable success of The Untamed

01:13:24 The million-dollar question: Are webnovels considered highbrow now?

【拓展链接 The Links】


Vox记者Aja Romano对《陈情令》的英文报道


【我们是谁 Who We Are】


  • 马修:一个网瘾晚期的全职养猫人
  • 杜安蕤:一个想当裁缝的科技/文化撰稿人
  • 一闻:一个对地铁比手机更上瘾的记者

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